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Do you love food shopping? Rolling that wheeled trolley around and moving from one alley to another? Gazing and eyeballing at the ever changing contents on the shelves while you choose and eliminate your picks from the huge collective of sauces, condiments, breakfast cereals, juices....the list is never ending. Well, for some if not love it surely is a task that cannot be avoided. With so many food products entering the retail shelves on a daily basis our favourite grocery/departmental stores have now developed into an arena where we think more instead of enjoying the experience. Where the paradox of choice stands tall, taller than it has ever been!

On one such daunting trip, we realized that the choice overload is leading us to not try more products, but rather play safe instead.  We go to the supermarket to avail options, but end up buying the same tried and tested product most times (Even cornflakes is bored of us now, really!). Don’t you wish these supermarkets had expert guides who could help us in buying the right product which is best suited for our needs or dietery preferences? We know, it would almost be super-human-ish for an individual to help so many of us different to make our store visits fun. But don’t worry, we have one such super platform that can help you do just this!

GoToChef, your everyday Guide to food products!
Think of us as a decision making tool that will help you do your pantry shopping, right!

GoToChef is here to help you cut through the clutter of available choices and guide you to make the best possible choice. It is a community that enables passionate foodies like you to share and gain knowledge and experience in a fun and unique way. You can both learn and share your experiences of everything that goes in your pantry or kitchen be it food products, accessories or appliances. Members of the GoToChef community not only share honest, unfiltered reviews about the products they use, but also explain how they use it, making it easier for you to do a relevance check. As they say, choice is good but relevance is excellent!

Join GoToChef now and start adding the Vitamin I (Information) to your choices right away! Wait there's more! On this amazing journey with GotoChef, we have designed a fun game which will unravel the chef in you. Up your game from an explorer to pro home, builder to master builder and ultimately GoToChef and enjoy all that GotoChef has to offer on this amazing ride.

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